Nurturing confident, curious learners at home and school.


Nurturing confident, curious learners at home and school. 🌟

Research-based programs to build skills and transform outcomes for all learners.

Joyful kits and resources for raising lifelong learners and building confidence at home.

Dewey Leaders

Covers of two educational books: 'Every Child a Super Reader' by Pam Allyn and Ernest Morrell, and 'Tell Your Story' by the same authors.
Person with short hair and green scarf smiling
Man in a suit outdoors

Pam Allyn, award-winning educator and children’s literacy expert. Author of 27+ books for parents and educators, including What to Read When (Penguin) and Best Books for Boys (Scholastic). Entrepreneur, founder of LitWorld, and creator of ReadyGen, LitCamp, and LitLeague.

Dr. Ernest Morrell, author, researcher, Coyle Professor of Literacy Education, Director of Center for Literacy Education, Associate Dean for the Humanities and Equity at the University of Notre Dame.


Best in Education Gold Award badge from EdTech Chronicle, 2023.
Logo of Enterprising Women magazine in stylized text.
TITAN Women in Business Awards logo with text "Entrepreneur of the Year."
Columbia University logo with text "Distinguished Alumni Award" underneath.
Mom's Choice Awards 2024 logo.
The Children's Village logo with yellow house icons and the text 'Keeping Children Safe and Families Together. Legacy of Service Award.'
"James Patterson Page Turner Award" text on a black background.
NCTE CEL Exemplary Leader Award logo

“The lessons are creative and offer rich learning experiences for students.”

- School Superintendent


"This is the resource I've been waiting for!"

- District Program Director


“The lessons are creative and offer rich learning experiences for students.” - School Superintendent 🌟 "This is the resource I've been waiting for!" - District Program Director 🌟


Illustration of three blue birds in a nest labeled 'Family Learning Hub.'

Transforming family engagement, caregiver confidence, and student success through online multilingual resources.

Colorful logo with "PALS Town" and a pencil, tagline "A Phonics-to-Writing Resource."

Building foundational writing skills by bridging the Science of Reading with the power of story.

Illustrated text logo 'Pals Town Language Power Pack' with globe icon

An essential strengths-based resource for building English proficiency and writing success.

Igniting curiosity, confidence and skill building at home with books, games, and joyful learning kits.

Creating life-changing learning experiences for more than 250,000 students and families nationwide.

Dewey for Schools

  • “You know, we're laying a foundation and this is what the world's been missing.”

    - Program Director, NY

  • "I also want to share how much I’m enjoying PALS Town—it’s truly exciting to see the students’ engagement and enthusiasm in a way I haven’t observed with other programs I’ve tried."

    - School Director & Literacy Coach, ME

  • “PALS Town helps kids learn to read and write, but most importantly, it helps kids build the resilience they need for their lifetimes”

    - Children’s Resilience Coach

Dewey for Home

  • "I've never had so much fun with my grandson. He loves the books and then building his own stories."

    - James, Grandparent

  • "The inclusivity and empathy in PALS Town is so needed in our communities today. I can’t wait to use these resources with my granddaughter. Everyone should have this for their kids."

    - Lana, Retired Teacher & Grandmother

  • “This box is amazing. It has already opened new worlds of literacy to the kids we have gifted it to.”

    - Sue, Grandmother


Muscogee County School District logo with lighthouse design, Columbus, GA
Passaic Public Schools logo with a tree and book design
Logo with dark blue letters 'CNN' featuring a yellow paper airplane and a star.
Logo of Prince William County Public Schools with graduation cap and star.
Logo of DeKalb County School District with three stylized figures and text.
Springfield Public Schools logo with a historical figure and text "First School House Erected 1679."

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